Thursday, October 8, 2009

Congressman Bird

One thing I'm learning in my GOVT class is that the best way to change something you don't like about the government is to run for office. To run for the House of Representatives you must meet three requirements...and to important side bars that really help:

1-Be 25 years old
2-Be a United States citizen for 7years
3-Live in the district you wish to represent

The two side bars being:

1-Have a good deal of money
2-Somehow out think your opponents

I'm not a very smart man, but I have grass root beliefs. I'll be 25 next year, 2months before the election would be held. My only issues would be the 2side bars. The Representative now that I would be challenging has been where he is for the better half of the last decade. I have no money to begin my campaign and I have no political experience.

So if anyone has any idea's please let me know. I'm open for suggestions at this time.


  1. Just read "Charlie Wilson's War" - Charlie's a good ole boy from Texas. Seems like he cultivated people with power/money to get what he wanted. And man, did he ever get what he wanted!
