Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oakleys and Assault Packs

In my time in the Army I learned two very important things:

1-The Army issues crappy gear because it's cheap and mass produced
2-Pack light, freeze at night

These things were taught to me by very wise older brother figures who I still consider some of my best friends. The first thing I ever did was replace the crappy ESS safety glasses with some slick looking M-Frame Oakleys. The normal lens you'd see looked similar to the ESS lens. (Very blocky and square) The alternative was a bad ass "swoop" style lens, I bought this one. In any branch of the military there are very few things that you can wear all the time that set you apart, I mean let's face it, appearance is everything in the service. Your tattoos and shades were just a couple of the items on the short list of items you could customize. As The Usual Suspect said in his blog, you miss the things you did when you were in.

The next major purchase I made was an Assault pack made by Blackhawk. An OD Green, 3-day Assault pack. I could make everything fit and it was comfortable to wear. I loved it so much I never used another issued assault pack. I carried it through both deployments and still carry my books in it today.

I left the Army in February of last year, I left with my Assault pack on my seat sporting my Oakley Half Jacket XLJ's. Every time I go outside I sport them. I've noticed that where I live the Half Jackets are very popular. I also realized that I look almost like every other tool that wears them. Except for one thing...

My Oakleys have seen things that most men could not and don't imagine. They've seen the most beautiful sunsets imaginable in a country full of people that care only to live their lives. They've seen children playing with wire, tires and other odd toys with no desire for anything other than happiness. They've also seen people in trouble, friends who have been changed, never to return home the same. Power plays, minor miracles, and major tragedies. My Oakleys have seen the the worst in the world and watched the good become better. My Oakleys have seen it all...most importantly I have seen it all. For this reason I know I'm not just another tool concerned with the newest toys, the coolest cars, the hottest girls or the latest drugs.

I will continue to sport my shades when the sun is out, while carrying my OD Green assault pack as a book bag. I will continue to defend my service as honorable. I will continue to march on with my life; one step at a time, because sometimes that's all I can handle.


  1. As much as I hated the Army, sometimes I wish I hadn't of gotten "kicked out." I feel like I am missing something, something that makes it hard for me to fully understand Jason or support him, which I'm sure he feels similar to the way you feel at times. So all I can do is listen and be his wife, which is good enough I guess.

    Hope you're doing well. Keep us posted on your progress! When you have time, leave Texas and have some good "hippie" fun in Cali with us. I'll do the cooking :)

  2. Your service was honorable and if anyone tries to tell you differently, walk the other way. Your are doing great, that's what life is - one foot in front of the other, one day at a time -
    take very good care

  3. dont walk the other way.... if they give you shit go thru them.... This post reminded me of jordan shay ( through amber lenses blogger )... sport your shades proudly bro, you've earned it...

  4. I know of a small town church who is sure proud of your service! And what a great story/outlook on your sunglasses! Keep up the great writing! :D
