To anyone who still stops by, I'm sorry. I guess you could say I'm not much of a blogger. I think that might be the reason I never post anything. I say I'm busy and for awhile it was true. I was roofing people's houses. After we'd get off work we'd head to the lake and swim and fish. Sometimes We'd head out to my friends land and shoot old couches people gave us. One thing I did do Is video document them, I don't know if I should put them on here because of what some of them contain. When we weren't swimming, fishing or shooting we'd listen for our tones to go off so we could go save people. The group of guys I work with and I are all volunteer fire fighters in the town we live in. I slacked off on the whole school thing, now I'm crunching time to apply for the post 9/11 GI bill and register for classes. Things wouldn't be that bad if I hadn't just had back surgery. I can't lift anything over a fucking milk jug. For those of you that know things about me, you know i'm pulling out my hair.
The closer school gets the more apprehensive I get. I have no idea what I want to do, I'm in a place I really don't care for and I really don't know If I want to do it anymore. Homework, research, MATH...fucking math, that means tutors, students 6yrs younger than me talking to me like I'm a fucking idiot. Awesome, I look foward to discusions where these lil punk ass high school remembrants speak about things they have no fucking clue about. I can't wait to sit in class with my OD Green Assault pack, my respect and my lack of respect for those kids that have those wood things in their ears the size of a fucking half dollar...awesome. Stoploss, I gotta tell ya, those damn rifles we toted around for so long, the ones that you could clean for 4days straight before a board and the SMG could still find carbon on them, you know the ones that we all hated and thought were for the most part useless...I broke down and bought one. It's bad ass.
B, I'm going to repost this on my RtB blog. You have a flair, and a way with words. Keep your head up. School is not that bad--Math is--but the rest of school is not. In fact, it's kinda fun. Especially when you find something you enjoy. For me, it was photography, and it's my favorite day of the week. You'll find yours, but you have to start first...