(Disclaimer: If you don't like what you're reading, leave.)
College, new people everywhere to meet. New people to room with, new people to make uneasy.
Last week, I'd say Tuesdayish, maybe Wednesday I finally unloaded my car after a weekend of dove hunting with the brothers and my dad. To most people in Texas dove hunting is a ritual. Everyone waits for September in order to go bag some dove. After deer season's opening day, it's one of the biggest unofficial holidays here. Let me digress, I live with 3 other males in an apt. One of them from France, who wants to try hunting, one from Oregon who's here for his MBA after attending a seminary and the other from the Dallas area(I believe) here for engineering. From this point on they will be referred to as Frenchie, MBA and Dallas. I walked in the door wearing 2 x drop pouches, my rack (which is set up for hunting now) 2x bandoleers of shotgun ammo and carrying 2 x 1911's, a Mossberg 930, a Sig Saur 9mm, an 870 Wingmaster Express, a New England break open and a Bushmaster M-4 variant. They all stopped and stared, the first question was, "You take over a small Central American country?" The second was, " What exactly where you hunting all weekend?" I replied to both questions with, "Yes, and illegals." MBA knew I was kidding at which he smiled and went back to cooking his rice and meat. Texas and Frenchie weren't so sure I was kidding about the while thing. Frenchie wanted to know how to shoot every gun and when I'd take him to shoot. (I've never met a Frenchman that wanted to know so much about guns, one would think that they don't have guns over there.)
Dallas is a sarcastic, Warcraft playing, chubby little computer nerd. He didn't think it was funny that I joked about hunting illegals. At this point I left the room.
This being said let's go back, back to before recorded history.....men wore furs of the animals they killed, they ate the meat, made tools out of the bones of the animals they killed. (And maybe gathered some berries along the way) This is how man survived.
Have we forgotten our history? Have we forgotten that we had to at one time scratch a living out of the land? Despite what all the liberal, anti-gun pussys think my side-arm and my rifle are going to be the last thing anyone takes from me. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for gun control. I'm just not for gun restriction of the hard working, law abiding, tax paying everyday American. One thing these "Americans" have to remember is that the only people they are hurting by limiting gun ownership is the ones that follow the laws. If a crook wants to get a gun, he will. Why is it, do you think that the Cops are out gunned? Because they have to follow the laws. The weapons of choice for crooks tend to be unregistered, illicit or stolen, interesting to think about isn't it.
So I leave you with this: Don't do all your complaining on BLOGs, make sure you take a second to write your senators, congress men/women and representatives. We elected them, they make their decisions based on our opinions.
Agreed! *does the wave*