Thursday, September 24, 2009

I need a Job

Anyone out there looking for a disabled veteran that isn't really supposed to do anything for another 2 weeks, but is willing to do anything for a buck. I have $5dollars to my name. Rent is due in about 7days. I dropped my last $20 in gas tonight...didn't even fill me up. The parents are helping my little brother go to college, can't really ask them for help. VA's fucking me with a huge dildo by only giving my $123 a month in disability pay. GI bill hasn't come in. Can't sell blood or plasma for another month. World is closing in around me. My only light is Carrah. She tells me I can do it and makes me believe. I made an 89 on my first major history exam. Anyone know where i can get free money??

1 comment:

  1. Brandon,

    Go here:

    Make sure to say, that despite being a full time student, you ARE able to accept full time work.
